duminică, 23 ianuarie 2011

Pick Of The Day [23 january 2011]

A Hot Buys. It looks nice. Do you have to buy it? I can`t but I like it, trust me!...

NonSs Again

Well, you are non ss. I`m non ss. Let`s take a new make up. It is called... Well, I haven`t any idea about the name but the make up is just cuuute <3. I will share the make-up and you can give me the best name for it. >:D<

Whay  do you need:
Happy Head Headband - 5 sd [Splendid]
Face star - 2 sd [GLAM`RUS]
Light Pink Boatneck Top - 4 sd [Basics]
After Sunset Miniskirt - 6 sd [Monster High]
Bow Front Heels - 7 sd [Sunny Bunny Kloz]
Star Hairpin - 2 sd [Splendid]

You need 26 sd to buy them. I hope you like it. 

This is R4LUK4. How are you? I think that is time to post here [:

sâmbătă, 22 ianuarie 2011

Vote covergirl, album and scenery!

Hi everyone!
Please vote from the heart Covergirl, album and scenery! Instead I will need help. Tell your friends, please!

vineri, 21 ianuarie 2011

Free dress

For those who don't have it and want it:
-If you are from Poland, Enter a stardoll contest HERE
-If you aren't from Poland, Follow these steps:
1)Go to Poland web proxy like
proxy.trash.pl/ OR ukryj.info/ OR proxyhideout.com/
2)In the blank box of proxy site Paste stardoll link:
3)Click GO/Idz/OK (it's up to proxy you use) OR just HitEnter on keyboard
4)Log in stardoll
5)Now on the proxies URL/Address link box Paste the contest link:
7)Leave the proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Dress should be in a giftbox in your suite [:
Available till 01.02
For the Superstar only Flamenco Dancer Statue -
-If you are a Superstar from Poland, Enter a stardoll contestHERE
-If you aren't from Poland but you are Superstar, Follow these steps:
1)Go to Poland web proxy like
proxy.trash.pl/ OR ukryj.info/ OR proxyhideout.com/
2)In the blank box of proxy site Paste stardoll link:
3)Click GO/Idz/OK (it's up to proxy you use) OR just HitEnter on keyboard
4)Log in stardoll
5)Now on the proxies URL/Address link box Paste the contest link:
7)Leave the proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Statue should be in a giftbox in your suite [:
Available till 30.01

For the Free Rat -

For the Free Rat -
-If you are from Germany, Enter a stardoll contestHERE

-If you aren't from Germany, follow these steps:

Go to German proxy like

4proxy.de/ OR rxproxy.com/OR kproxy.com/ ORgerman-proxy.de
2)In blank box Paste stardoll link:
3)Click Browse OR Go
4)Log in stardoll
5)Now on the proxies Address/URL box paste contest link:
6)Click Go, Wait a little till page loads
7)Leave proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Rat should be in a giftbox in your suite [:

For the Free Brown Floral

For the Free Brown Floral
-If you live in Greece:
Simply Enter a stardoll contest HERE
-If you don't live in Greece
As I haven't got any working web proxy
You have to Set a Greek manual proxy like
IP Address: Port: 3128 Or
IP Address: Port: 8080 Or
IP Address: Port: 8085
If these doesn't work for you, check HERE for others

How to set manual proxy?
When you have set the manual proxy -
1)Go to stardoll.com Log in
2)Copy and Paste this contest link:
3)Wait till contest page loads
4)Turn off the proxy
Bag should be in a giftbox in your suite [:
Available till 31.01

For the Free Fudge Orange Cross

For the Free Fudge Orange Cross-Over Bag
-If you are a from Sweden, Go and Enter a stardoll contest HERE
-If you aren't from Sweden - Follow these steps to get it:
2)In white blank box Paste stardoll link:
3)Click Go/Browse/Surf Now (it's up to proxy you use)
4)Log in stardoll
5)Now on the proxies URL link box Paste contest link:
6)Click Go, Wait a little till stardoll page loads
7)Leave proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Bag should be in a giftbox in your suite [:
Available till 31.01

duminică, 9 ianuarie 2011

Good Bye!

Our Blog has moved .. so you are invited to follow and give our new blog ...
http://sd-things.blogspot.com/ =>our blog

sâmbătă, 8 ianuarie 2011

Non Ss Can Look Better Than Ss if...


I was non-ss until I had 700 sp and it was so difficult. Do, I understant you :D. 

Spring Look For Non Ss:

What do you need:
1.HeadBand [ 3 sd - Splendid NON SS]
2. Flowers w Pearls [ 5 sd - Splendid NON SS]
3. Purple Slick Dress [ 14 sd - Otto NON SS]

It is just wonderful. What do you think?

Lady's MakeUp

I just created a new look, Too elegant MakeUp  :x

What do you need:

1. Black Brow Definer [2 sd - Doth] 
2. Flame Red Lipstick [8 sd - Doth]
3. Black Lip Pen [ 9 sd - Doth]
4. Volumizing Mascara [ 3sd - Doth]
5.  Black Eye Kohl [ 6sd -Doth]
6.Lengthening Mascara [ 2sd - Doth]

SS only :)

Make Up by me

Hi.Im the newest blogger here.Maybe you know me,My stardoll name is R4LUK4.I'm here for share my make-up crearions :X....

Let's go:)... I will be the best one.... i promise:x

Bye for 5 minytes:))


Tennis racket Dove

I entered my suite and found a tennis racket Dove ... I think their club has gathered more members[pink]:)

vineri, 7 ianuarie 2011

For Free Fluffy Shoes

-If you are from Poland, Enter a stardoll contest HERE
-If you aren't from Poland, Follow these steps:
1)Go to Poland web proxy like
proxy.trash.pl/ OR ukryj.info/ OR zmien.info/ OR proxyhideout.com/
2)In the blank box of proxy site Paste stardoll link:
3)Click GO/Idz/OK (it's up to proxy you use) OR just Hit Enter on keyboard
4)Log in stardoll
5)Now on the proxies URL/Address link box Paste the contest link:
Click Go, Wait till page loads,
7)Leave the proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Shoes should be in a giftbox in your suite [:
Available till 17.01

Free top and horseshoe

►Free Top with Horse and Horseshoe
 -If you are from Germany, Enter a stardoll contest HERE 
-If you aren't from Germany, follow these steps:
1)Go to German proxy like 
4proxy.de/ OR rxproxy.com/OR kproxy.com/ OR german-proxy.de
2)In blank box Paste stardoll link:
3)Click Browse OR Go
4)Log in stardoll
5)Now on the proxies Address/URL box paste contest link:
6)Click Go, Wait a little till page loads
7)Leave proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Items should be in 2 giftbox in your suite [:

Free Jumper Vest Tee

►Free Jumper Vest Tee

-If you are from Finland: 
1)Simply Enter this stardoll scenery contest HERE 
-If you don't live in Finland
You have to Set a Finnish manual proxy like

[because none has found any working Finnish web proxy so far]

IP Address: Port: 80 Or
IP Address: Port: 8080 Or
IP Address: Port: 8080
 When you have set the manual proxy -
1)Go to stardoll.com, Log in
2)Copy and Paste this contest link:
3)Wait till contest page loads
4)Turn off the proxy
Items should be in 2 giftboxes in your suite [:
Good Luck:P

Free Blue Scarf:>

►Free Blue Scarf
-If you live in Brazil:
1)Log in stardoll and Simply Enter a stardoll contest HERE
-If you don't live in Brazil
1)Go to this Brazilian proxy:

2)Paste stardoll link in the blank box of the proxy
3)Click ir
4)Log in stardoll, then Copy and Paste the contest link:
http://www.stardoll.com/en/contest/finish.php?id=8725)Wait till contest pages loads
6)Leave the proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Scarf should be in a giftbox in your suite [:

Xoxo, Elly 

Free Bag Pink

►Free Million Dollar Mates Bag with Doggy
-If you are from UK, Go straightly to quiz and enter it HERE

-If you aren't from UK, Follow these steps:
Go to UK proxy like:

2)Paste stardoll link into the blank box of the proxy site

Click Go OR just Hit Enter

Log in stardoll

Now in the proxies URL Address Paste contest link

6)Wait till page loads, Click Enter Competition button
You don't have to fill the boxes
7)Leave the proxy by closing the window/tab, Go to stardoll as usual
Bag should be in a giftbox in your suite [:

Today NCG

Today NCG is
And here is a picture with she^.^

Sale in Suite shop

Suite Shop is now on sale with lots of Christmas decotiations. This is a good time to buy now something and keep it for next Christams time.

New clothes

Rio Fallen Angel appeared new clothes.You like those?

joi, 6 ianuarie 2011

NCG Today

And NCG today is from Romania

Interviu cu R4luk4

Elena_lucia: Buna...Multumesc ca ai acceptat si speram sa aflam chestiii noi despre tine
R4luk4: Buna. Nu ai pentru ce. Ma numesc deci Raluca, am 11 ani si sunt din Bucuresti. Porecla mea e Dodolina...
Elena_lucia: Aaaa...eu banuiesc de la ce vine... Spui si lor?
R4luk4: Vine de la "Dodo". "Dodo este porecla baiatului de care imi place
Elena_lucia: Care e culoarea ta preferata?
R4luk4: Este doar una: MULTICOLORA
Elena_lucia: Ai frati,surori?
R4luk4: Nu, din fericire
Elena_lucia: Iti place stardoll(de ce?)
R4luk4: Il ador. Este pur si simplu genial. Concursuri, prietenii, cluburi ... La inceput m-a incantat ideea cu CG, Album Winner s.a.m.d.
Elena_lucia: Cum ai descoperit acest joc minunat?
R4luk4: Ma uitam pe TPU.ro si am vazut o intrebare legata de jocul stardoll. Mi-am zis ``ce-ar fi sa vad despre ce e ``
Elena_lucia: Ai visat vreodata sa ajungi CG?Crezi ca ai putea?
R4luk4: Eu am visat, ca si oricare alt membru stardoll! problema este ca nu am sanse...
Elena_lucia: Care sunt prietenele tale adevarate pe stardoll in care ai putea avea incredere...?
R4luk4: Tu, Aneliese, LadyDark11, Dulcinea1999, melyna99, vis_interzis, cloe_ana_pisi, Andy\Sweet, fluffygirl2121 si multe altele. Ele se stiu
Elena_lucia: Ma bucur ca ma aflu printre ele...si cu toate ca nu ne cunoastem...
Elena_lucia: Crezi ca vei ajunge Roiality?
R4luk4: Da. Din lista cunosc doar vreo 3
R4luk4: Da, sunt sigura de acest lucru
Elena_lucia: Cum te consideri pe stardoll?
R4luk4: Originala in primul rand
R4luk4: In rest.. nu sunt in masura sa ma apreciez
Elena_lucia: Se poate spune ca acest lucru este una dintre caracteristicele tale in viata reala?
R4luk4: Sincera... 

Elena_lucia: Asta e foarte bine....Mai ales ca te ajuta foarte mult in relatile cu prietenii
Elena_lucia: Multumesc pt. interviu
R4luk4: Este adevarat
Elena_lucia: a fost o placere!
R4luk4: Nu ai pentru ce. Multumesc pentru atentie. De asemenea!
R4luk4: La revedere..
Elena_lucia: Pa-Pa!

Big decision!

Okay,now the blog will be english.Contact us here:
http://www.stardoll.com/es/clubs/home.php?id=2484751 !
Aneliese and Elena_lucia

Free scarf

You'll need a web proxy...go to zmien.info or proxyhideout.com or ukryj.info/ or http://proxy.trash.pl/

Paste this link into the box:

http://www.stardoll.com/en/contest/view.php?id=873 and hit go/browse

Log in, then paste this link into the box


Log off the proxy and go to regular Stardoll.

It will be in a box in your suite.[:

Free dress VOILE

1) Intrati pe unul dintre aceste proxy`uri;)
2) Scrieti in URL
3) Click go...
4) Log in stardoll
5)Apoi stergeti ce este scris in URL si puneti:
4) Inchideti proxy`ul si intoarceti`va in suite`ul obisnuit[:

Poster free Moxie

Tot ce trebuie sa faceti e sa intrati pe: 
http://www.dontfilter.us/ ori http://www.webwarper.net 
Apoi va logati si intrati in Suite...
Xoxo Elly

miercuri, 5 ianuarie 2011

Tingeling a aparut

Uitati cateva haine puse in vanzare:x...Nu sunt pe placul meO da` voi decidetsi dak le cumparatsi:P
 Asta e una dintre hainele dl Tingeling prezentate l Moda din Paris

New archive starplaza!

 Se pare k a aparut noile haine de la starplaza...Unele sunt frumoase si la preturi mici,voi ce credeti?

Moda by Anne

~Am fotografiat`o pe BFF si arata superb..:x Voi ce credeti?:D
Palaria: OTTO wide brim hat [6sd]
Paltonul: PPQ Velvet fur coat  [40 sd]
Gentutsa: OTTO party clutch  [6sd]
Bratara: OTTO stacked bangles [5sd]
Blugii: KILLAH gathered skinny jeans [22]
Pantofii: ARCHIVE black pleather platforms [6sd] 
Ochelrii de soare: OTTO aviator glasses   [4sd] 
TOTAL: 89 sd